Signed Up, What Now???

3 min readDec 2, 2021

How to accept donations in ALGO and USDC on asalp.

Signing up is a form filling process that can be done here

We will confirm the charity is legitimate and exists; this is to prevent fraud and people impersonating other charities.

Wallet Addresses!

Wallet address is unique to the Algorand blockchain; think of it as an email address or a bank account number. Don’t worry it is okay to be seen, the info want to keep extremely secret is the 25 word phrase that you are given when you create an Algorand Wallet.

How To Get An Address:

There are various ways, the ones listed below are the most secure as they are non-custodial, you access the funds with a 25 word phrase- that the blockchain issues you.

MyAlgo Wallet ; This is an online wallet by Randlabs, this can be one way.

AlgoSigner ; GOOGLE CHROME EXTENSION; This work very well..

Algorand Wallet App This can be downloaded on your smart phone and is another way of creating an Algo Wallet address.

Algorand Wallet App is arguably the best in our opinion as you can connect your wallet address simply by scanning a QR code and you do not need to type in your 25 word phrase, which can understandably be time consuming.

Using a Crypto Exchange:

If you create an account with an exchange, you can generate a wallet address and receive the funds straight into there; some charities will prefer this because then you can cash out the cryptocurrency for your countries native currency.

The address can be generated by searching for ‘ALGO’ and selecting <deposit> and this will generate your wallet address.

Getting Cryptocurrency Into Cash

To do this requires using an exchange — you can take a look on the link there and decide which one want you want to sign up with.

Once signed up and verified with the exchange, you would have to do KYC ( confirm your identity, this is to prevent money laundering). After this you simply navigate to withdraw and the funds will be put into your bank account in your native currency.

Please remember you do not need to buy any crypto or make NFTs to be listed on our platform.

We hope this is not too daunting! asalp and accepting crypto is not supposed to replace existing donating practises but aimed to be another fundraising stream which is extremely interactive and engaging with your donors. No other crypto charity platform offers rewards to donors and collectible NFT incentives as we do!

Payment Processing

Payment processing fee of 0.01A ($0.02) is paid by the sender ( donor) and this is a network fee for transacting on Algorand. In the event of a price spike the sender still pays. The ALGO/USD current price is $1.89, thus there would have to be a 100x price surge before the donor pays over a $1 to send a transaction — this is extremely unlikely.




decentralised donation platform for charities and start ups to accept crypto through a carbon neutral blockchain, Algorand.