asalp launched on mainnet.

Decentralised donating is now on Algorand

2 min readMar 11, 2022

asalp, a recent grant awardee from the Algorand Foundation launches it’s decentralised donation platform on the Algorand MainNet after 4 months of anticipation.

Global causes can now be supported with the cryptocurrency ALGO, adding a meaningful use case for the Algorand community. It also opens charities up to a new donation demographic and crypto exposure.

How it works?

The platform uses layer-1 smart contracts to reward users with a tailored “Charity-NFT” in relation to their donation amount. Users simply connect their Algo wallet and can donate in under 5 seconds to any charitable campaign on the site. Each campaign is tokenised by up to 10,000 C-NFTs that can be minted and each C-NFT is minted after they select their donation amount.

The design of the C-NFT takes the display image of the campaign and combines it with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) which essentially teaches an image how to draw like another piece of art. CNN are highly advanced machine learning designs brought onto the Algorand ecosystem. The team wanted CNN to be synonymous with supporting charity along with asalp. Recently Mark Zuckerberg, on the Lex Friedman Podcast, was speaking about CNN and style transfer as great product for the future…asalp has done it ( 28:01)

C-NFTs are to be seen by donors as personalised donation certificates authenticating participation in charitable campaigns. asalp encourages users to display their C-NFT to not only help us with feedback on the designs but as it is a great way to see the power of Ai and blockchain at work.

Charities and NGOs from all over the globe has signed up from Tanzania to Brazil and from Haiti and to the UK.

“Hope for Haiti is grateful to be asalp’s partner and utilize NFTs for social impact. We recognize the importance of new innovative avenues in the digital world that make a difference in the real world. Partnering with asalp and accepting ALGO to purchase NFTs will allow us to continue responding to the recent earthquake in Haiti. Our Haitian team is on the front lines, working in the communities hardest hit. We appreciate this new opportunity to collaborate with digital artists and donors who want to empower communities to heal and rebuild.”

-Sarah Porter, Director of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships, Hope for Haiti

Future Updates around the corner include:

  1. ARC69s C-NFTs with traits and a new season of style images
  2. Crypto subscription payments
  3. Tax deductible receipts;
  4. NFT Marketplace with escrow payouts to charity (next);
  5. “Donate An NFT”;
  6. USDC payment options (next);
  7. Renting C-NFTs;
  8. Utility Token launch.

Along with many more innovative features.


Charities sign up here.

NFT Artists come join the discord to hear about phase 2.




decentralised donation platform for charities and start ups to accept crypto through a carbon neutral blockchain, Algorand.